Sixth Form Prospectus: Entry Criteria

Entry Criteria

Check here for details on how to calculate your points to study in our Sixth Form

To Study Three A Levels

Each student will need to achieve a minimum average points score of 4.8† from his or her best 8 results; ensuring that a Grade 4 or higher is achieved in Maths or English Language or Literature. This average points score is based on the QCA points system which is as follows:

  • 9 = 9, 8 = 8, 7= 7, 6 = 6, 5= 5, 4= 4, 3 = 3, 2 = 2 and 1 = 1

For subjects where A*-G still applies the points system used will be:

  • A*=8.5, A =7, B=5.5, C=4, D=3, E=2, F= 1.5 and G = 1

This average can be made up of different combinations of points from grades or numbers.

To Study Four A Levels

Choosing to study four A Levels is a significant undertaking and not one to be taken lightly. It will not only stretch you academically but also challenge you in terms of your time management. In order to be considered for four A Levels you will need to meet the more demanding entry criteria of achieving an average points score of 6 or above.

Subject Specific Entry Criteria

When considering your options it is important to read the course information carefully. Some subjects have specific criteria that must be met in order to study that subject at A Level. Subject specific criteria have been arrived at by departments based upon the prerequisite skills and knowledge necessary for students to be successful from the outset. These details are available on the subject pages of our website.

The Entry Criteria has been set based upon our working knowledge of the revised grading criteria at the time of publishing. We reserve the right to lower the overall best 8 points average entry criteria score pending the publication of the summer’s results.

The Sixth Form continues to be a strength of the school

OfstedOctober 2018