Healthy Eating

Heart of England School works closely with Alliance in Partnership to produce meals at breakfast, morning break and lunch time that are amongst the best in the borough.

Alliance in Partnership provide an efficient and consistent service and as part of this they offer separate hot and cold food service areas.  The wide range of food on offer includes; baguettes, sandwiches, wraps, jacket potatoes with various fillings and pasta dishes.

Breakfast club remains a firm favourite at Heart of England School.  This is a quiet time of the day where students can meet and enjoy breakfast with their friends before the start of the school day.

A choice of seasonal hot meals is available every day with the majority of food items on the menu prepared from fresh ingredients in the school kitchens.

The menus are different every day and include fish, meat and vegetarian options to ensure everyone is catered for.  Please use the submenu for links to our menus.

If you would like to discuss your child’s diet or have any concerns please contact the Unit Catering Manager: 01676 536711.