Anti-Bullying Reach Out logo

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and its theme is Reach Out.

Two of our five core values at Heart of England are courage and kindness.  It takes both to reach out.

Our society and its many communities have been through the most extraordinary events in the last two years, we all know we need to move forward but it is important to recognise and address the issues arising from the restrictions and disruption of the past two years.

For some resilience has been reduced and that word can be interpreted as the ability to spring back into shape… but what if you were not in great shape before or not yet shaped in a form that had stability?  Add to this the additional pressures of on-line platforms and children and adults have a significant amount to navigate as they face the future.

Every year Anti-bullying week captures the essence of how we need to continue to focus on challenging unacceptable behaviours and create cultures where people are enabled to reach out.  It takes courage, it takes will and it takes a leap… not just of faith but of positive action to achieve this across communities.

This is not a simple challenge, bullying is the manifestation of a set of nested problems in society and we must all be relentless in our aim to eradicate it.  In the words of this year’s campaign:

“And it doesn’t stop with young people.  From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out.  Together, let’s be the change we want to see.  Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities.”

Many are facing extraordinary levels of difficulty at this time and differing forms of hardship.  Please reach out this week – it takes courage but it can and will changes lives, including your own.

J Hughes-Williams