Spread a Little Kindness

Year 7 have had a special assembly on the core value theme of Kindness.  Presented by Miss Lancaster our Year 7 Academic Manager, she introduced ideas of how showing small acts of kindness can make all the difference.

Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash.com
Photo by Nathan Lemon on Unsplash.com

Holding a door open for someone, asking ‘how are you?’ or even by tidying their room were all examples of kindness.  Miss Lancaster set a challenge to Year 7 to make a conscious effort to show kindness in all areas of their lives throughout the next week.  This began during the assembly by the students saying ‘thank you’ to their tutors by presenting them with thank you certificates that each tutee had signed.  “Asking the tutors to have five minutes to themselves while the students signed the thank you certificates was a small token of appreciation from the students,” said Miss Lancaster.

Tutors have been provided with Shout Out slips which the students will use to write kind comments on to a teacher and these will be delivered via their tutors.  They will allow students to focus on positive experiences and help to build relationships between staff and students to spread a little happiness.

Staff have been asked by Miss Lancaster to keep a special eye out around school for acts of kindness that they see and reward students with kindness behaviour points.  Parents/carers are also included and are asked to let tutors know of acts of kindness that they witness.  Tutors will give out kindness behaviour points when they receive these and will pass them on to Miss Lancaster and Mrs Simpson.  “We have a fantastic year group, full of wonderful students,” said Mrs Simpson, our Year 7 Pastoral Manager.  “Focusing on kindness in the build up to Christmas allows us all to feel good and to think of others over the festive period.”

The Year 7 Cup will be given out to the kindest tutor group next week along with an extra special treat during tutor time the following week.

“We should remember how our actions can impact others and by being kind we can hugely improve someone else’s day,” said Miss Lancaster.

Good luck Year 7 and remember: Kindness is free!