Open for Business!

At last, after a major refurbishment, our new library is officially up and running.  Read about the Grand Opening when local poet Liz Berry cut the ribbon.

Poet Liz Berry cuts the ribbon on the new library

On 12 June we celebrated the opening of our fantastic new library.  Staff, students including school councillors and local guests, were joined at the event by special guest Liz Berry, poet and author.

Acting Principal Gethyn Bennett opened the event by delivering a speech on the schools’ commitment to supporting students with their reading and learning including explaining how their newly-refurbished library is a pivotal step towards this pledge.

Liz Berry, local author and special guest, then presented the winners of a writing competition organised by the school in anticipation of the library re-opening.  Liz, a former primary school teacher, has had several works of poetry published along with two full-length poetry collections.

“My mum was a librarian, so I grew up loving libraries,” said Liz, “and they are essential in developing a love of reading and creative writing.  The investment you’ve made here shows what you value as a school.”

The competition winner Felicia, Year 8 and runner-up Jessica were awarded vouchers as prizes.  Hear Liz read Felicia’s poem…

Guests were encouraged to browse the new library and speak to the new school librarian and students present to discuss the opportunities for learning that the new school facility will offer.  The library will house some books from the former library with brand new titles being added over the next few months.  New stock will also include study and revision materials for key stage 4 (Year 7-9), GCSE and A Level students.

Heart of England PTA will be helping to raise money to buy new books for the library via a recently launched JustGiving page.

The refurbishment was championed by a group of students from the student council, who identified the need for a functioning library with quality facilities, which should include a new librarian.  School Trustees were happy to support the student-led project following a really well thought through presentation making the case for a new library.

Newly appointed librarian Vikki Beddard said: “When the opportunity came up to work at Heart of England School setting up a new library, I was really keen to be involved in.

“The fact that the students themselves have been leading the project means that I now have a huge responsibility to ensure that the new library lives up to their expectations and meets the needs of students across all year groups.  It is fantastic to see the space being used purposefully by the students after being out of use and in need of some TLC since before the COVID pandemic.”

Head of English, Luke O’Brien, said: “The school has been promoting reading for several years with considerable investment in a reading scheme run by dedicated full-time staff.  We have been very successful in supporting most students to meet their reading age targets.  Our new library facilities will open greater opportunities to all our students for reading and give access to a wider range of books.”

Already, the library is proving to be a very popular destination at break and lunchtimes, with many students visiting to borrow books, read and work in the study booths.  All year groups have been to induction sessions to introduce them to the library facilities and next year there are plans for further activities and clubs in the space.